Computer Applications

Computer Applications in Pharmacy
   Now-a-days computer is become a working hand in pharmacy. In pharmaceutical in industries, hospitals and in various departments for drug information, education, evaluation, analysis, medication history and for maintenance of financial records.
        It is must to have a good knowledge of computer in the profession of pharmacy. It is introduced  as a subject in pharmacy education by mean of it. Here, we will study the Computer Application in Pharmacy Education.

Scope: This subject deals with the introduction Database. Database Management system, computer application in clinical studies and use of databases.

Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to
  1. know the various types of application of computer in pharmacy
  2. know the various types of databases
  3. know the various applications of databases in pharmacy

Course content:
Theoretical Section






Practical Section

*If you have additional questions or require more information, do not hesitate to Contact Us.


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