Drug information storage and retrieval using MS Access
Drug information storage and retrieval using MS Access The storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information constitutes a major function of any drug information service (DIS). We developed a computerized system for the storage and retrieval of data from drug information requests (DIR) using a MUMPS-based information system. In the past, DIR forms were stored in looseleaf binders and filed chronologically. Due to the success and increased use of our DIS, this manual filing system became inadequate and awkward to use. Our solution was to develop a computer system where data could be entered from DIR forms and retrieved rapidly and easily. Each DIR was reviewed and key data elements were selected for input. The DIS files may now be searched online rapidly and efficiently. The MUMPS-based information system has provided open access for all staff pharmacists, 24 hours a day. The benefits have been an increase in both the quantity and quality of drug information p...